American Vinegar Works

Producer Spotlight: American Vinegar Works

By Kristen Thompson

Food Connects onboarded an exceptional group of new producers this past year. Each is doing something different to contribute to our growing regional food system. Rodrigo Vargas, Founder and Owner of American Vinegar Works in Worcester, MA, looked at the American craft alcohol scene and saw an opportunity to use these brews to create truly unique and delicious vinegars in a way that would benefit his community. We had a chance to learn from Rodrigo about American Vinegar Works’ story, values, and the process of making artisanal, small-batch vinegar.

New Producer Round Up

Food Connects is thrilled to share the increased growth of our Food Hub family. As our team has established more partnerships with food hubs across New England, we’ve onboarded 35 producers over the past 18 months. These new producers represent an increase our diversity in products, ensuring our wholesale customers see Food Connects as a one-stop-shop.