Producer Spotlight: Jack's Crackers

By Kristen Thompson

August is New Hampshire Eats Local month, and who better to talk to about local food than New Hampshire Magazine’s Best of New Hampshire Editor’s Choice awardee, Jack’s Crackers! We reached out to Kevin Dremmel, creator of these superb crackers, to learn more about what makes these crackers so special and why the local food movement is so important.

How was Jack's Crackers started? What was its inspiration?

Jack’s Crackers got its start at a cooking competition held by Monadnock Oil & Vinegar.  As part of the competition, contestants were given a bag with several ingredients. On a whim, I decided to make an “edible” plate for the pasta dish I created.  I didn’t win the contest, but the judges ended up eating all the crackers I made to serve as plates.  

The inspiration for the crackers came from the fact that most crackers are factory-made and tend to be bland, like edible cardboard.  I wanted to create products with flavor that could stand on their own but also complement other foods.

The inspiration for the name was our cat, Jack.  He and his siblings adopted us during a visit to the local Humane Society.  Once they moved in, they pretty much took over the house.  We figured that if they are running the house, then they might as well run the business too.

What makes your products unique?

Our products are different from other crackers in that most are made with wine and olive oil, with no preservatives, chemicals, or artificial flavors.  The ingredients are very simple, and we offer a unique spectrum of flavors.

What is your favorite part of making crackers?

That would be a toss-up between experimenting with new flavors and the almost meditative process of docking and cutting the cracker dough.

What is one of your favorite toppings or pairings to eat with your crackers?

Some of the classics are:

  • Goat Cheese on Red Wine Crackers

  • Hot Pepper Jam on Fire Crackers

  • Bending Branch Bourbon Cherry Chevre on White Wine Crackers

  • Smoked Mozzarella on Tomato Basil Crackers

  • Smoked Salmon on Dill Crackers

  • Peanut butter on Buttermilk Bacon Crackers

  • Shaved Parmesan Cheese on a Garlic Herb Cracker

I also like to use crushed Tomato Basil Crackers in my meatballs and crushed Garlic Herb Crackers as a crumb topping on baked fish.

Why is buying and selling locally and the local food movement important to you?

The snack food/cracker industry tends to be dominated by three large corporations, a trend that seems to be prevalent in the food industry in general.  The consolidation of industrial food production leads to both a lack of real diversity and food safety challenges at large plants that we’ve all read about.

These days folks want to know where their food is made, who makes it, and what’s in it.  They want to know about the people who make the food and how they do it.  Local producers are part of the community and a community themselves.  I have relationships with my suppliers and my customers.  I know I’m getting high-quality products because I know the grower, seller, or maker.  As a local producer, I can support the businesses that sell my products and work with them to create new things.  To me, it all ends up being about local because with local you know what you’re getting, and you have a relationship with the folks who make or sell it.

How does working with Food Connects help your business/what are you excited about in this partnership?

Food Connects has been a blessing for us.  It’s helped us to expand our reach, and the relationship has been incredibly collaborative.  Food Connects goes beyond the role of a distributor and really supports local food producers.  They offer a lot more to the area in terms of education and are a real asset to the communities they serve.

Any events coming up or fun facts about your business/products?

We will be doing a tasting at the Wyman Tavern Beer Fest in August, as well as at Monadnock Food Coop over the next couple of months.  We’re also looking for opportunities to do tastings at other local businesses in the future.

Anything else you would like me to feature? Anything that you are doing to respond to the COVID-19 crisis?

We were recently chosen as finalists in the Sam Adams Backyard Pitch Competition, which is part of their Brewing the American Dream Program.  We also received a Best of New Hampshire Editor’s Choice award from New Hampshire Magazine and have been chosen to participate in the FedEx E-Commerce Learning Lab, a nationwide program that is offered to 150 small businesses around the country.