Meet Our Food Hub Procurement Coordinator—Katie Endicott

Food Connects welcomed Katie Endicott as its Food Hub Procurement Coordinator this year. She provides crucial administrative support for the Food Hub Procurement Team, ensuring smooth and efficient order cycles and purchasing flow.

Katie joins the team with ten years of experience working in the food system in various capacities. She studied Sustainable Development at SIT Graduate Institute in Brattleboro, VT. She fell in love with local agriculture and food systems while studying and continued to work on various small farms in Vermont and her home state of Pennsylvania.

We are thrilled to have her on the team and are excited to share more about her!

What sparked your interest in Food Connects, and why are you excited to be here?

I learned about Food Connects years ago and have always been interested in the mission and work they (now we) do. I'm excited to be here to support thriving local economies and producers. 

Why is the local food movement important to you?

The local food movement is important in so many ways! It supports and promotes the success of local producers and therefore helps preserve farmland and local economies. It also facilitates access to fresh, healthy food while simultaneously reducing the distance such food has to travel. Healthy farms, healthy food, healthy economies, and healthy communities!

What do you see for the future of Food Connects, and what you will do here? What are your hopes and dreams for this position?

I see Food Connects continuing to grow and serve a great network of local producers, customers, and institutions. 

How will your previous non-profit experience impact your work at Food Connects?

My previous experience has helped me gain perspective that will help me relate to various stakeholders within and outside of the organization. 

How do you spend your time outside of work?

Outside of work, I love to be outside in the garden or in the woods!

What is your favorite food?

I absolutely love potatoes in all of their forms!

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

I used to be a floral designer and can design a lovely bouquet of flowers. 

If I handed you a plane ticket right now to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would go just about anywhere but I would love to go to India!